GenericModem Key

The following table shows the registry settings for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\PCMCIA\CompanyX-GenericModem-1234\.

Registry key
Tsp Provides the TSP name that services this port Usually Unimodem.dll.
DeviceArrayIndex Driver-specific Always 1 for version 1 PC Card devices.
Prefix Device prefix Normally "COM" for PC Card devices.
Dll Serial.dll n/a
FriendlyName Name displayed to a user by the TAPI applications n/a
DeviceType Device type Always 3 for version 1 PC Card devices.
ResetDelay Optional value Specifies a number of milliseconds of delay used during the PC Card reset sequence. Most modems do not require this value; some modems need more than the
PC Card–specified reset delay. For such modems, specify an appropriate value here.
DevConfig Unimodem-specific data This is a binary structure indicating the serial device capabilities: baud, parity, and so on. Not published. Use the default case.