Modifying Registry Keys Used by the Redirector

The following table shows the modifiable registry settings for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Redir key.

Registry key
DWORD values
ClearTxtPwdAllowed Specifies if cleartext password is accepted The default value is 0. If 0, refuse to connect to a server that negotiates clear text passwords.
ServerTimoutMs Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for SMB responses The default value is 10000.
FindCacheMaxSize Specifies the maximum memory to use for find caching The default value is 8192. A value of 0 disables all caching.
ResourceExpiryInt Specifies the number of seconds before releasing unused resources The default value is 600.
RecvBufSize Specifies the size of the receiving buffer The default value is 4096.

Note If settings change, the Windows CE–based device must be warm booted before they take effect. Exercise caution when changing default values—this may affect system performance or the redirector operation.