Winsock Functions

Windows CE supports the standard Winsock 1.1 functions, except the asynchronous functions. Some asynchronous notification support is available through the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) CCeSocket class. For more information on the MFC for Windows CE, see the Windows CE Toolkit for Visual C++® 6.0.

Winsock functions are defined in the Winsock.h header file. The following table shows Winsock functions implemented for Windows CE.

accept Accepts a socket connection
bind Associates a local address with a socket
closesocket Closes a socket
connect Establishes a connection to a peer
gethostbyaddr Retrieves host data that corresponds to a network address
gethostbyname Retrieves host data that corresponds to a host name
gethostname Returns the standard host name for the local computer
getpeername Retrieves the address of the peer, to which a socket is connected
getsockname Retrieves the local address for a socket
getsockopt Retrieves a socket option
htonl Converts a u_long from host byte order to network byte order
htons Converts a u_short from host byte order to network byte order
inet_addr Converts a string containing a dotted address into a network address in the format of an IN_ADDR structure
inet_ntoa Converts a network address into a string in dotted format
ioctlsocket Controls the socket mode
listen Establishes a socket to listen for incoming connections
ntohl Converts a u_long from network byte order to host byte order
ntohs Converts a u_short from network byte order to host byte order
recv Receives data from a socket
recvfrom Receives a datagram and stores the source address
select Determines the status of one or more sockets
send Sends data on a connected socket
sendto Sends data to a specific destination
setsockopt Sets a socket option
shutdown Disables send or receive operations on a socket
socket Creates a socket
WSACleanup Initiates no action and is provided only for compatibility
WSAGetLastError Retrieves the error status for the last Winsock operation that failed
WSAIoctl Controls the mode of a socket
WSASetLastError Sets the error value retrieved by WSAGetLastError
WSAStartup Initializes a WSADATA structure