Winsock Structures

Winsock structures are defined in the Winsock.h header file. The following table shows Winsock structures implemented for Windows CE.

IN_ADDR The IP address component of the SOCKADDR_IN structure in big-endian network byte order.
LINGER Used by an application to set the linger socket option and specify the length of time to wait for unsent data before a socket is closed.
SOCKADDR The generic address structure for all address families used in Winsock communications.
SOCKADDR_IN In the Internet address family, this structure is used by Winsock to specify a local or remote endpoint address, to which to connect a socket. This is the form of the SOCKADDR structure specific to the Internet address family and can be cast to SOCKADDR.
SOCKADDR_IRDA Specifies an Infrared Sockets address.
WSADATA Used to store Winsock initialization data returned by a call to WSAStartup. It contains data about the Winsock.dll implementation.