Registering a Parser

Because each wireless service provider determines the format for e-mail messages sent by it, parsing is done by functions stored in DLLs. MSDefault selects the DLL to invoke, based on the device and address on which the message was received. MSDefault uses the following criteria to determine which DLL to use:

The registry entries are stored under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WIS\EmailParser. For example, consider a Windows CE–based device that has two radio devices, Device 1 and Device 2. Device 1 has three addresses, Tstaddr1, Tstaddr2, and Tstaddr3. The Windows CE–based device has the following registry entries.


No parser has been defined for Tstaddr3 or Device 2. In this example, the following DLLs would be selected for messages:

In this example, because a default parser has been defined, the system default parser is never called for any message.