Adding a Help File to the All Topics List

The All Topics list is a list of HTML links to all the available Help files on a Windows CE platform. The All Topics list for Help for Windows CE versions 2.0 and 2.01 is a separate HTML file that lists links to all the Help files on the Windows CE platform. The manufacturer creates this file; do not alter it. Version 2.10 creates an All Topics list dynamically by selecting the name of the first topic in each Help file and a corresponding link (.lnk) file.

    To add a topic to the All Topics list for version 2.10

  1. Name the first topic in each Help file Main_Contents.

    Place this name only in files that you want to include in the table of contents.

  2. Include "Main_Contents" in the <META> tag for each of these files.

    The following code example shows how to include a topic in the dynamic table of contents.

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Htm-Help" CONTENT="soltr.htm#Main_Contents">
    <TITLE>Solitaire Help</TITLE>
    <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000">
    <!-- PegHelp -->
    <P><A NAME="Main_Contents"></A><B>Solitaire Help</B></P>
    <A HREF="soltr.htm#playing_the_game">Playing the Game</A><BR>
    <A HREF="soltr.htm#setting_solitaire_options">Setting Solitaire
    <A HREF="soltr.htm#solitaire_scoring_systems">Solitaire Scoring
    <!-- PegHelp --><HR>
    <!-- ************************Topic Break************************* -->
  3. Create a link file for each Help file in the table of contents.

    Create a link file with NotePad or another ASCII editor. Name the link file the way you want Help to display the link in the table of contents. For example, the Solitaire Help file is Soltr.htm and the link file is Solitaire.lnk. The link in the table of contents is Solitaire. You cannot place spaces in the link file name.

    The text in the link file tells Help for Windows CE where to aim the link in the table of contents. The following code example is one entry in the Solitaire.lnk file:


    The number 18 in this example represents the number of characters in \Windows\Soltr.htm

  4. During installation, install your link file in the \Windows\Help directory.

    Install the Help file anywhere you want in the Windows CE platform.