Including Display Drivers in an OS Image

OEMs can include the emulation library and the GPE class library in their Windows CE OS image. The emulated blit functions are compiled and linked into a single library called Emul.lib. The display driver links to this library through a link directive in the driver’s Sources file. For example, the Sources file for theS3Trio64 display driver includes Emul.lib in its list of target libraries. This links the driver with Emul.lib. As mentioned, the Platform Builder provides the GPE library in binary form. The GPE library is also included in the driver’s Sources file.

The Platform.bib file in the Platform\Cepc\Files directory directs the RomImage tool, the tool that creates operating system images for Windows CE, to include the appropriate driver in the OS image. See the Platform Builder for complete documentation on using the Romimage tool and creating OS images.

If you are building a platform from one of the sample Platform.bib files provided in the Platform Builder, you can change which display driver the Romimage tool puts into the OS image. The Platform.bib file in Platform\Cepc\Files directs the Romimage tool to include the S3Trio64 driver in the OS image. Other display drivers may take the place of S364Trio. See Platform.bib for the list of environment variables that may be set to direct the Romimage tool to use a different display driver. The 2BPP driver is the default display driver for the Windows CE hardware reference platform. The Platform.bib file in Platform\Odo\Files lists the environment variables that may be set to direct Romimage to use a different display driver.