Registry Keys for PC Cards and Minicards

To detect removable block devices, the Device Manager initiates a detection sequence to determine the specific device type. A driver named MyDriver would use the following registry entries in Windows CE version 2.1 and later. The Device Manager requires these keys to initiate the detection sequence.

                SZ: Prefix = DSK
                SZ: Dll = MyDriver.DLL
                SZ: IOCTL = (DWORD)4
                SZ: FSD = FATFS.DLL
                SZ: Folder = My Folder

                    SZ: Dll = MyDriver.DLL
                    SZ: Entry = MyDriverDetectdisk

The value of the Folder key within the MyDriver key is optional. Its value determines the folder names associated with linear flash memory devices. The default name is Storage Card for the first device, Storage Card2 for the second, and so on. For example, if you use the value of the Folder key to change the folder name to My Folder, that is the name of the first device. The second folder is My Folder2,and so on.

The subkey 20 within the Detect key is provided only as an example; it can be any other number. Its value determines the order in which the Device Manager tries the driver’s MyDriverDetectdisk function relative to other drivers’ detection functions when attempting to identify an unknown type of PC Card.