Registry Keys for Built-in Block Devices

Built-in block devices, ones that are an integral part of a Windows CE–based platform, are recognized based on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\ registry key. A driver called MyDriver should use the following registry entries in Windows CE version 2.1 and later.

                SZ: Prefix = DSK
                SZ: Dll = MyDriver.DLL
                SZ: Index = DWORD:1
                SZ: Order = DWORD:1
                SZ: IOCTL = DWORD:4
                SZ: FSD = FATFS.DLL
                SZ: WindowBase = DWORD:D0000
                SZ: Folder = My Folder

If you are building a Windows CE operating system for a desktop Windows-based hardware development target platform, set the CEPC_DISKONCHIP environment variable to 1 prior to creation of the OS image. Otherwise, add the registry entries to one of your registry (.reg) files.

The value of the Folder key is optional. The value of the WindowBase key is provided only as an example; it can be any other 32-bit value, as specified in the documentation for your block device hardware. This value determines the location of the block device’s memory window.