
This function releases a spin lock initialized in a preceding call to the NdisAllocateSpinLock function.

At a Glance

Header file: Ndis.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


VOIDNdisFreeSpinLock( IN PNDIS_SPIN_LOCK SpinLock );


Pointer to the spin lock to be deinitialized.


If the caller of this function needs to use the spin lock again, it must call NdisAllocateSpinLock before passing that spin lock pointer to any of the NdisXXXSpinLock or NdisInterlockedXXX functions.

A driver that calls this function runs at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL. Usually, this function is not called until a driver is unloading.

See Also

NdisAcquireSpinLock, NdisAllocateSpinLock, NdisDprAcquireSpinLock, NdisDprReleaseSpinLock, NdisReleaseSpinLock