This function initializes a doubly linked, driver-maintained interlocked queue or doubly linked list.
Header file: | Ndis.h |
Windows CE versions: | 2.0 and later |
VOID NdisInitializeListHead( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead );
This function can be called from a MiniportInitialize function or from a protocol driver’s DriverEntry function if the driver queues requests internally. However, miniport drivers seldom set up internal queues because the NDIS library serializes requests and packets sent to miniports.
Any NDIS driver that maintains an internal queue is responsible for synchronizing driver functions’ accesses to queued entries. The NdisInterlockedXXXList functions ensure that only one driver function can access queued entries at any moment, even if the driver is running on a multiprocessor machine, because the queue is protected by a caller-supplied spin lock.
For an interlocked queue, the driver must also provide nonpaged storage for a spin lock. It must initialize the spin lock with NdisAllocateSpinLock before passing a pointer to that spin lock to any of the NdisInterlockedXXXList functions.
A driver that calls this function usually runs at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL because this function is commonly called at initialization.
NdisAllocateSpinLock, NdisInterlockedInsertHeadList, NdisInterlockedInsertTailList, NdisInterlockedRemoveHeadList