
This function notifies NDIS, or NDISWAN, that the NIC driver, which has called the NdisMIndicateStatus function one or more times to indicate hardware anomalies or run-time state changes in the NIC, is ready to resume standard device I/O operations.

At a Glance

Header file: Ndis.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


VOID NdisMIndicateStatusComplete(
MiniportAdapterHandle );


Handle originally input to the MiniportInitialize function.


When a miniport calls this function, NDIS calls the ProtocolStatusComplete function( s ) of bound protocol( s ) that were previously notified of the immediately preceding state change( s ) in the underlying NIC with calls to their ProtocolStatus functions.

A miniport eventually must call this function after it calls the NdisMIndicateStatus function. However, a miniport need not deliver this function indications in one-to-one correspondence with its NdisMIndicateStatus indications. It can choose to issue a single status-complete indication for several status indications that have occurred, particularly when network traffic is high.

A protocol driver writer should assume that interrupts are enabled on the NIC while ProtocolStatusComplete is running. A protocol driver writer should also assume that ProtocolStatus is re-entrant while ProtocolStatusComplete is running, particularly on an SMP platform.

A driver that calls this function runs at IRQL DISPATCH_LEVEL.

See Also
