This function writes a specified number of USHORT values from a caller-supplied buffer to a given I/O port.
Header file: | Ndis.h |
Windows CE versions: | 2.0 and later |
VOID NdisRawWritePortBufferUshort( IN ULONG Port,
IN PUSHORT Buffer, IN ULONG Length );
An NIC driver calls this function to transfer a sequence of USHORTs, one at a time, to its NIC.
This function runs significantly faster than the NdisImmediateWritePortBufferUshort function because it need not map a bus-relative port address onto a host-dependent logical port address at every call.
A driver that calls this function can run at any IRQL.
NdisMRegisterIoPortRange, NdisRawReadPortBufferUshort, NdisRawWritePortBufferUchar, NdisRawWritePortBufferUlong, NdisRawWritePortUshort