This function returns the value of a named entry of the specified type from the registry, as long as it has the handle to an open registry key.
Header file: | Ndis.h |
Windows CE versions: | 2.0 and later |
VOID NdisReadConfiguration( OUT PNDIS_STATUS Status,
IN NDIS_HANDLE ConfigurationHandle, IN PNDIS_STRING Keyword,
This parameter can also point to one of the following predefined global keywords for all NDIS drivers:
Every NDIS driver can set up configuration information in the registry for itself under the driver’s Parameters key, using an installation script. For example, a protocol driver might store its own name as an entry with a preformatted string value that can be passed in calls to the NdisRegisterProtocol function.
Each NIC driver also has associated value entries under the driver’s Parameters registry key. The value entries for any particular NIC driver can be device-dependent in nature. For example, an Ethernet NIC driver might have keywords such as InterruptNumber, SharedMemoryAddress, and MulticastListSize. The value associated with such an NDIS keyword can be either an integer ( ULONG-type ) or a string ( NDIS_STRING-type ). For example, the set of possible values for the InterruptNumber entry mentioned might be NdisParameterInteger values 2, 3, 4, or 5, or the equivalents in hexadecimal as NdisParameterHexInteger values.
This function buffers and copies the caller-supplied string at Keyword and releases the storage it allocates for this copy before it returns control to the caller. The memory it allocates for the NDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER structure is freed when the driver releases the ConfigurationHandle with the NdisCloseConfiguration function. The caller of this function is responsible for releasing the buffered string at Keyword.
A driver that calls this function runs at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.
NdisAnsiStringToUnicodeString, NdisCloseConfiguration, NdisFreeString, NdisInitAnsiString, NdisInitializeString, NdisInitUnicodeString, NdisOpenConfiguration, NdisOpenProtocolConfiguration, NdisReadNetworkAddress, NdisUnicodeStringToAnsiString, NdisWriteConfiguration