
This function is used by MGDI to notify a driver that the specified PDEV structure is no longer needed.


VOID DrvDisablePDEV( IN DHPDEV dhpdev );


Pointer to the PDEV that describes the physical device to be disabled. This value is the handle returned by the DrvEnablePDEV function.


If the driver has been disabled by a call to the DrvEnablePDEV function, the driver cannot access the hardware during a call to the DrvDisableSurface function because another active surface might be in use. Any necessary hardware changes should have been performed during the call to the DrvAssertMode function. A driver should keep track of whether or not it has been disabled by DrvAssertMode so that it can perform proper cleanup operations in DrvDisableSurface.

If the physical device has an enabled surface, the GDI calls this function after calling DrvDisableSurface. The driver should free any memory and resources used by the PDEV.

This function is required for graphics drivers.