
This class is a helper class for display devices that allocate memory as single rectangular blocks. For these types of device, the stride of bit block transfer (blit) operations is a constant, regardless of the width of the actual surface. Many devices, such as the S3Trio64 chipset, use the current screen width as the width of the video memory. All blit operations are assumed to have the same stride, or pitch, as the screen and the same pixel format.

To allocate a memory rectangle, create an initial Node2D object, using the same height and width as the memory block. Enter the width either in pixels or in bytes. Queries to allocated subrectangles of memory return the origin of the allocated memory in the same units with which the original Node2D object was created.

You must allocate subrectangles in the same units, as well. Allocate subrectangles using the Alloc method of the root node. Examine the origin of the new node, using the Top and Left methods of the node. As a final step, free the node, using the Free method. The following code example shows how the Free method is usually implemented.

// Assume there is a 640x1000-pixel line 
// block of memory starting at memBase
// to be allocated as a rectangle.
#define PIXEL_BYTES 2
#define MEM_HEIGHT 1000
extern unsigned char *memBase;
// Allocations are done in pixels.
// Create a 20x40 surface.
Node2D *pSurf1 = AllMem->Alloc( 20, 40 );
// Check that pSurf1 is not NULL.
// Create a 100x100 surface.
Node2D *pSurf2 = AllMem->Alloc( 100, 100 );
// Check that pSurf2 is not NULL.
// Create a pointer the the top left of the block of
//    memory in surf1.
unsigned char *ptr1 = memBase + strideInBytes * pSurf1->Top()
+ PIXEL_BYTES * pSurf1->Left();
// Now delete the surface(s).