Sample PC Card Socket Driver

The PC Card socket driver manages any PC Card sockets on a Windows CE–based platform. The MDD layer of this driver exposes a number of functions that can be used to write stream interface drivers for individual PC Cards. These functions constitute the Card Services library. The PDD layer exposes a set of lower-level functions that the MDD layer uses. These functions constitute the Socket Services library. The sample PC Card driver code appears under \Platform\ODO\Drivers\Pcmcia.

The following table shows the DDI functions for the PC Card socket driver.

CardAccessConfigurationRegister CardReleaseExclusive
CardDeregisterClient CardReleaseIRQ
CardGetEventMask CardReleaseSocketMask
CardGetFirstTuple CardReleaseWindow
CardGetNextTuple CardRequestConfiguration
CardGetParsedTuple CardRequestExclusive
CardGetStatus CardRequestIRQ
CardGetTupleData CardRequestSocketMask
CardMapWindow CardRequestWindow
CardModifyWindow CardResetFunction
CardRegisterClient CardSetEventMask

The following table shows the DDSI functions for the PC Card socket driver.

PDCardGetAdapter PDCardResetSocket
PDCardGetSocket PDCardSetAdapter
PDCardGetWindow PDCardSetSocket
PDCardInquireAdapter PDCardSetWindow
PDCardInquireWindow PDCardWriteAttrByte
PDCardReadAttrByte PDCardWriteCmnByte