magnification factor
The ratio between the actual image size and the displayed size.
main priority
One of three thread priority groups. Main is the default priority. See also idle priority and interrupt priority.
main window
The window that serves as the primary interface between a user and an application.
major axis
A line whose length is one of the parameters used to describe the shape of an ellipse. The major axis has endpoints on the ellipse and passes through the two foci of the ellipse. See also focus.
makefile file
1. A file that contains rules that describe how to compile source code or link object modules. 2. A file used by the Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility, Nmake.exe. 3. A source code configuration file.
.mak file
A file used by the Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility, Nmake.exe.
.map file
A text file that contains information about the program being linked, including the groups in the program and a list of public symbols. The linker names the mapfile with the base name of the program and the file name extension .map.
A Platform Builder configuration that builds a fully configured version of Windows CE that features communication applications.
See model device driver.
See multiple-document interface.
mean anomaly
An angular measurement that specifies the position of a satellite within the orbit of that satellite. The time that the satellite takes to complete one orbit maps to 2 pi radians of mean anomaly. Zero radians corresponds to the perigee and pi radians corresponds to the apogee. The mean anomaly of any other point in the orbit is proportional to the amount of time that the satellite takes to travel from the perigee to that point.
A list of options from which a user can make a selection in order to perform a selected action, such as choosing a command or applying a particular format to part of a document. Many applications, especially those that offer a graphical interface, use menus as a means of providing a user with an easily learned, easy-to-use alternative to memorizing commands and their appropriate usage.
menu editor
A resource editor that allows you to create and edit menus by working directly with a menu bar that closely resembles the one in your project.
menu handle
A unique value of type HMENU used to identify a menu.
menu item
A string or bitmap displayed in a menu. Choosing a menu item either sends a command message or activates a pop-up menu.
menu template
A menu template defines a menu, including the items on a menu bar and all submenus.
A structure or set of parameters used for communicating information or a request. Messages can be passed between the operating system and an application, different applications, threads within an application, and windows within an application.
message box
A secondary window that is displayed to inform a user about a particular condition.
message digest
See hash value.
message handler
A Component Object Model (COM) object that implements the ITranslate interface in an in-process COM object.
message identifier
A unique value that identifies a message. System-defined messages use named constants, such as WM_PAINT, as message identifiers. Windows CE reserves message-identifier values in the range 0x0400 through 0x7FFF for application-defined messages.
message queue
An ordered list of messages awaiting transmission, from which they are taken up on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis.
message sink
A callback function that receives messages for a form or a control. Forms or controls that need to be notified of messages implement a message sink.
message store
The database in the object store for storing mail messages.
See Microsoft Foundation Classes.
Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
The C++ class library that Microsoft provides with its C++ compiler to assist programmers in creating Windows-based applications. MFC hides the fundamental Windows API in class hierarchies so that programmers can write a Windows-based application without needing to know the details of the native Windows API.
Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder
A tool for building custom Windows CE operating systems and components for embedded system devices.
A Platform Builder configuration that builds a version of Windows CE that features serial communications and networking.
A Platform Builder configuration that builds a version of Windows CE that features graphics device interface (GDI) support.
A Platform Builder configuration that builds a version of Windows CE that features user input and native driver support.
A Platform Builder configuration that builds a minimal version of Windows CE.
A Platform Builder configuration that builds a nearly complete version of Windows CE featuring Task Manager and the Command Processor shell.
A Platform Builder configuration that builds a version of Windows CE that features window management.
Mobile Channels
A Windows CE technology that represents a fourth type of Internet Explorer 4.0 (IE4) channel to allow the user to access the Web with great mobility.
modal dialog box
A modal dialog box requires the user to supply information or close the dialog box before allowing the application to continue.
model device driver (MDD)
The platform-neutral layer of a native device driver supplied by Microsoft. See also native device driver.
modeless dialog box
A dialog box that allows the user to supply information and return to a previous task without closing the dialog box.
A subset of the Windows CE operating system. Windows CE is structured as a collection of modules. Each module is a self-contained subset of the Windows CE operating system that can be used to construct a customized operating system for a particular device.
monolithic device driver
A sample device driver that comes with the Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder.
Monte Carlo profiling
A software diagnostic procedure that involves interrupting the system at a high rate and recording the interrupted address.
month calendar control
A child window that displays a monthly calendar. The calendar can display one or more months at a time.
mounted file system
A file system located on a removable medium, such as a PC Card storage device. The operating system loads, or mounts, the file system when the medium is inserted into the device. It unloads, or unmounts, the file system either when the medium is removed or when the user issues a command to do so.
A data address format that displays a data address in minutes, seconds, and frames.
A communication between a single sender and multiple receivers on a network.
multicast group
Collectively, the hosts listening to a specific Internet Protocol (IP) multicast address.
multimedia driver
A device driver that uses the Windows CE subset of the Win32 WDM device driver model.
multiple-document interface (MDI)
A user interface in an application that allows a user to have more than one document open at the same time. MDI is not supported by Windows CE.
mutex object
An interprocess synchronization object whose state is set to signaled when it is not owned by any thread, and nonsignaled when it is owned. Only one thread at a time can own a mutex object.