See OEM adaptation layer.
.obj file
A file containing object code or data generated by a compiler or an assembler from the source code of an application. Object files generated by the Visual C++ compiler have an .obj file name extension.
A file, directory, database, or database record that resides in an object store.
object ID
See object identifier.
object identifier
1. A unique value that identifies each object in the object store. 2. In reference to the Contacts database, an object identifier is a unique value that the system assigns to each address card when it is added. An application uses the object identifier when querying an address card's properties or when modifying or deleting an address card.
Object Linking and Embedding
See OLE.
object store
The persistent storage that Windows CE makes available to applications. For example, Windows CE reserves part of its available random access memory (RAM) for the operating system and uses the rest for the object store. This data can be stored in files, registry entries, or in Windows CE databases.
object type
A name for a particular group of objects that are contained in a folder. For example, appointment is an object type naming all appointments in a Microsoft Schedule+ folder.
The Hitachi D9000 hardware development platform. See also hardware development platform.
See original equipment manufacturer.
OEM adaptation layer (OAL)
That portion of Windows CE that must be provided by the hardware manufacture to adapt Windows CE to their platform.
Object Linking and Embedding. A technology for transferring and sharing information among applications. When an object, such as an image file created with a painting application, is linked to a compound document, such as a spreadsheet or a document created with a word processing application, the document contains only a reference to the object; any changes made to the contents of a linked object are seen in the compound document. When an object is embedded in a compound document, the document contains a copy of the object; any changes made to the contents of the original object are not seen in the compound document unless the embedded object is updated. See also Automation.
operating system image
The executable file that contains the operating system. The primary tool used to make an operating system image is the Make Binary Image tool, Makeimg.exe. See also image file.
option button
In graphical user interfaces, a means of selecting one of several options, usually within a dialog box. An option button, also known as a radio button, appears as a small circle that, when selected, has a smaller, filled circle inside it. Option buttons act like the station selector buttons on a car radio. Selecting one button in a set deselects the previously selected button, so one and only one of the options in the set can be selected at any given time. In contrast, check boxes are used when more than one option in the set can be selected at the same time.
original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
For Windows CE, an OEM is a company that manufacturers a hardware platform and ports Windows CE to that platform.
Output window
A window that displays status messages, notifications, and search results.
overlapped communication operation
The performance of two distinct communication operations simultaneously; for example, a simultaneous read/write operation. Windows CE does not support overlapped communication operation, but does support multiple read/writes pending on a device.
overlapped window
A window with the WS_OVERLAPPED style. Overlapped windows are top-level windows designed to serve as an application's main window.