
This function, an extension of MailOpenNotify, attempts to open a mail database, specify a window handle to receive DB_CEIOD messages, and distinguish between different versions of the message store.

At a Glance

Header file: Msgstor2.h
Platforms: H/PC 3.0
Windows CE versions: 2.10 and later


BOOL MailOpenNotifyEx (HANDLE * phMail, WORD* pwVersion
BOOL fAllowCreate, HWND hwndNotify);


[out] Pointer to the mail handle. This handle is set even if the function fails. Upon failure, call the function MailError against the returned handle to obtain the specific error message.
[out] Pointer to the message store version number. If set to NULL, this function does not return anything in this parameter. Otherwise, this function returns 0x0300 on an H/PC 3.0 and 0x0200 on an H/PC.
[in] Boolean for creating a new database. If set to TRUE, this function creates a new mail database when a mail database does not currently exist. If set to FALSE, this function fails when it cannot open or find the mail database.
[in] Handle to the window to receive DB_CEOID_* notifications. These notifications represent changes made to the database by other handles.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


A desktop computer can use the pwVersion parameter to determine whether it is connected to an H/PC or an H/PC 3.0.