Converting Rich Ink Data

After a user enters data into a Rich Ink control, the control stores the data in an internal .pwi file. In order to use this data in other applications, you need to convert the .pwi file to a .rtf file or a text file.

    To convert a .pwi file data to an alternate file format

  1. Load RichInk.dll.
  2. Create a Rich Ink control.
  3. Use the SendMessage function to send an EM_STREAMIN message with SF_PWI in the WPARAM to the Rich Ink control.

    This streams the Rich Ink data in from a specified memory block.

  4. Use SendMessage to send an EM_STREAMIN message with SF_UTEXT in the WPARAM to the Rich Ink control.

    In addition to translating the Rich Ink data in the specified memory block into Unicode, this call returns the size of the Unicode data in bytes.

    You can also stream RTF or ASCII text by changing the WPARAM to SF_RTF or SF_TEXT.

  5. Allocate memory for the converted text.
  6. Steam the converted text to the memory that you allocated.

The following code example shows how Windows CE Services version 2.2 converts Rich Ink data to Unicode using. Windows CE Services is a set of technologies that makes Windows CE–based devices Web-enabled.

#define EM_STREAMIN         (WM_USER + 73)
#define EM_STREAMOUT            (WM_USER + 74)

(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb);

typedef struct _editstream
    DWORD dwCookie;     /* user value passed to callback as first parameter */
    DWORD dwError;      /* last error */

typedef struct tagCOOKIE
LPBYTE pbStart;
LONG   bCount;
DWORD  dwError;

// Stream formats:
#define SF_TEXT      0x0001
#define SF_RTF       0x0002
#define SF_UNICODE   0x0010                // Unicode data of some kind
#define SF_UTEXT        SF_TEXT | SF_UNICODE     // Unicode text file
#define SFF_PWI      0x0800
#define SF_PWI      ( SF_RTF | SFF_PWI | 0x010000 )  // A Pocket Word
                                                     // Ink (.pwi) file
//The first step is to load RichInk.dll.

hLib = LoadLibrary( TEXT(“richink.dll” ) );
if (!hLib)
return ERROR;
//The next step is to create a Rich Ink window.

HWND    hwndInk = NULL;
hwndInk = CreateWindow(“richink”, ES_READONLY, CW_USEDEFAULT,
if (!hwndInk)
return ERROR;

//With the Rich Ink window, we can send EM_STREAMIN and EM_STREAMOUT //messages in a manner similar to the Rich Edit desktop control.
COOKIE        cookie;

// Stream in the Rich Ink data from a memory block.
memset(&cookie, 0, sizeof(cookie));
cookie.dwError          = 0;
cookie.pbStart          = (LPBYTE)pb;        // Pointer to a memory block
cookie.pbCur            = cookie.pbStart;
cookie.bCount    = cb;            // Size of the Rich Ink data
es.dwCookie             = (DWORD)&cookie;
es.dwError              = 0;
es.pfnCallback          = BufferReadCallback;
lResult = SendMessage (hwndInk, EM_STREAMIN, (WPARAM)SF_PWI, (LPARAM)&es);

// Next, call stream out to get the size of the Unicode text.
cookie.dwError          = 0;
cookie.pbStart          = 0;
cookie.pbCur            = 0;
cookie.bCount    = 0;
es.dwCookie             = (DWORD)&cookie;
es.dwError              = 0;
es.pfnCallback          = BufferWriteCallback;
lResult = SendMessage (hwndInk, EM_STREAMOUT, (WPARAM)SF_UTEXT, (LPARAM)&es);

// Allocate memory and stream the Unicode text to it.
sz = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbSz = Cookie.pbCur - Cookie.pbStart) + 2);
// Check for an allocation error.

cookie.dwError    = 0;
cookie.pbStart     = (LPBYTE)sz;
cookie.pbCur          = cookie.pbStart;
cookie.bCount    = cbSz;
es.dwCookie             = (DWORD)&cookie;
es.dwError              = 0;
es.pfnCallback          = BufferWriteCallback;
lResult = SendMessage (hwndInk, EM_STREAMOUT, (WPARAM)SF_UTEXT, (LPARAM)&es);

The following code example shows the functions that are called in the previous code example.

static DWORD CALLBACK BufferReadCallback(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb)
PCOOKIE pCookie = (PCOOKIE)dwCookie;
LONG    bytesLeft;
LONG    bytesRead;

// Calculate the bytes read.
bytesRead = pCookie->pbCur - pCookie->pbStart;

// Calculate the bytes left to read.
if (bytesRead < pCookie->bCount)
// Calculate the bytes left to read.
bytesLeft = pCookie->bCount - bytesRead;
bytesLeft = 0;

// Do not read past the end of the buffer.
if (cb > bytesLeft) cb = bytesLeft;

// Set the bytes read.
*pcb = cb;

// Copy any bytes.
if (cb)
memcpy(pbBuff, pCookie->pbCur, cb);
pCookie->pbCur += cb;

// Return no error.
return 0;

} // BufferReadCallback()

static DWORD CALLBACK BufferWriteCallback(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb)
PCOOKIE pCookie = (PCOOKIE)dwCookie;

// Do not overwrite the end of the buffer. If there is no output 
// buffer, then only determine the space required for the data stream.

If (pCookie->pbStart && (pCookie->pbCur + cb > pCookie->pbStart + pCookie->bCount))
// Writing all this data would overflow the buffer.
// Only write the data that will fit.
cb = pCookie->pbStart + pCookie->bCount - pCookie->pbCur;

*pcb = cb;
if (pCookie->pbStart)
memcpy(pCookie->pbCur, pbBuff, cb); pCookie->pbCur += cb;

return 0;

} // BufferWriteCallback()

The example above streams Unicode text. By changing the callback functions, data can be read from or written to a file.