Windows CE–Based Products

Microsoft provides an entire line of Windows CE–based products ranging from tools used to develop Windows CE–based applications and device drivers to tools used to create customized versions of the OS. Additonally, Microsoft has partnered with several third-party vendors to create devices that are powered by Windows CE. These devices—the Handheld PC (H/PC), the Palm-size PC, and the Auto PC—are mobile devices that communicate with desktop computers, networks, the Internet, and each other.

For each of these devices, Microsoft provides a software development kit (SDK) to assist you in creating applications that run on the device. Each SDK contains programming libraries, header files, and source code for sample programs, and documentation that describes how to use the libraries. Each SDK also includes programming guidelines and an API reference, as well as a device driver kit. You can download these SDKs from the Windows CE Web site at

The following table shows the available SDKs.

Microsoft® Windows® CE Platform SDK, Handheld PC Edition, version 2.0 A set of libraries that enable you to develop applications for an H/PC. Online documentation provides information on managing memory, communicating with other devices, designing a user interface, and programming with Microsoft® Pocket Excel and Microsoft® Pocket Word. This SDK includes a comprehensive reference and an H/PC emulator.
Microsoft® Windows® CE Platform SDK, Palm-size PC Edition A set of libraries that enable you to develop applications for a Palm-size PC. Online documentation provides information on managing and accessing files, connecting to other devices, creating navigation and input controls, designing a user interface, and implementing sample code. This SDK includes a comprehensive reference and a Palm-size PC emulator.
Preview Release of the Microsoft® Windows® CE Platform SDK, Auto PC Edition A set of libraries that enable you to develop applications for an Auto PC. Online documentation provides information on using system services, working with controls, implementing speech, interacting with a vehicle computer, and using position and navigation information.