CBitmap Methods

Construction Methods

Method Description
CBitmap Constructs a CBitmap object.

Initialization Methods

Method Description
LoadBitmap Initializes the object by loading a named bitmap resource from the application’s executable file and attaching the bitmap to the object.
LoadOEMBitmap Initializes the object by loading a predefined Windows CE bitmap and attaching the bitmap to the object.
CreateBitmap Initializes the object with a device-dependent memory bitmap that has a specified width, height, and bit pattern.
CreateBitmapIndirect Initializes the object with a bitmap with the width, height, and bit pattern (if one is specified) specified in a BITMAP structure.
CreateCompatibleBitmap Initializes the object with a bitmap so that it is compatible with a specified device.

Attributes Methods

Method Description
GetBitmap Returns a pointer to the specified CBitmap object.

Operations Methods

Method Description
FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CBitmap object when given a handle to a Windows CE HBITMAP bitmap.
SetBitmapDimension Assigns a width and height in 0.1-millimeter units to a bitmap.
GetBitmapDimension Returns the width and height of the bitmap. The height and width are assumed to have been set previously by the SetBitmapDimension method.