CDumpContext::operator <<

This operator inserts variables and objects into the dump context.

At a Glance

Header file: Afx.h
Platforms: H/PC 2.0, Palm-size PC, H/PC Pro
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later
Complete documentation: Visual C++ documentation


CDumpContext& operator <<( const CObject* pOb );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( const CObject& ob );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( LPCTSTR lpsz );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( const void* lp );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( BYTE by );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( WORD w );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( DWORD dw );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( int n );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( double d );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( float f );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( LONG l );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( UINT u );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( LPCWSTR lpsz );
throw( CFileException );

CDumpContext& operator <<( LPCSTR lpsz );
throw( CFileException );