This method initializes a CFont object with the specified characteristics. The font can subsequently be selected as the font for any device context.
Header file: | Afxwin.h |
Platforms: | H/PC 2.0, Palm-size PC, H/PC Pro |
Windows CE versions: | 1.0 and later |
Complete documentation: | Visual C++ documentation |
BOOL CreateFont( int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation,
int nWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline, BYTE cStrikeOut,
BYTE nCharSet, BYTE nOutPrecision, BYTE nClipPrecision, BYTE nQuality,
BYTE nPitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR lpszFacename );
CFont::CreateFontIndirect, CFont::CreatePointFont