
This class encapsulates the functionality of a Windows CE single document interface (SDI) frame window. A frame window is a window that frames an application. In Windows CE, it usually contains a view window and a command bar.

At a Glance

Header file: Afxwin.h
Platforms: H/PC 2.0, Palm-size PC, H/PC Pro
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later
Complete documentation: Visual C++ documentation


One of the most interesting new features in Windows CE is command bars, which combines the functionality of a menu bar and a tool bar. MFC for Windows CE supports command bars with the following new methods, which have been added to the CFrameWnd class:

MFC for Windows CE also supports a new data member of the CFrameWnd class. The m_hCommandBar data member is the window handle to the frame window's command bar.

MFC for Windows CE supports the CFrameWnd::LoadFrame method of the CFrameWnd class differently than the standard MFC.

MFC for Windows CE does not support the following methods of the CFrameWnd class:

DockControlBar NegotiateBorderSpace
EnableDocking OnContextHelp
FloatControlBar OnSetPreviewMode
GetControlBar RecalcLayout
GetDockState SaveBarState
GetMessageBar SetDockState
GetMessageString SetMessageText
LoadAccelTable ShowControlBar

See Also

CWnd, CView, CDocTemplate, CRuntimeClass, Frame Windows and Splitter Windows