
This method inserts a new menu item at the position specified by nPosition, and move other items down the menu.

At a Glance

Header file: Afxwin.h
Platforms: H/PC 2.0, Palm-size PC, H/PC Pro
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later
Complete documentation: Visual C++ documentation


BOOL InsertMenu( UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem = 0,
lpszNewItem = NULL );

BOOL InsertMenu( UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem,
const CBitmap*
pBmp );


Windows CE does not support the MF_BITMAP flag or the MF_DISABLED flag in the nFlags parameter. Menu items cannot be disabled without being grayed. To disable a menu item use the MF_GRAYED flag.

Windows CE 1.0 does not support cascading menus, or the insertion of an MF_POPUP menu into another pop-up menu.

See Also

CMenu::AppendMenu, CMenu::Detach