The CMNCTRLS sample demonstrates how to use the following common control MFC classes: CListCtrl, CTreeCtrl, CProgressCtrl, CSliderCtrl and CSpinButtonCtrl. It shows how to create the controls, and how to change them, using many of the different styles that are available.
Select a tab in the CMNCTRLS property sheet for a check box, radio button, or combo box. Then you can select various styles and views for the control from the property page displayed. Each one of the options changes the behavior and/or appearance of the control being displayed. For CListCtrl and CTreeCtrl, you will be able to see the different notification messages sent by the control as you experiment with it.
This sample demonstrates the following keywords:
You can find the CMNCTRLS project files in the Wce\Samples\Mfc\CMNCTRLS directory.
For information on the Windows CE platforms that support this sample, see MFC for Windows CE Samples.