CPalette Methods

Construction Methods

Method Description
CPalette Constructs a CPalette object with no attached Windows CE palette. You must initialize the CPalette object with one of the initialization methods before it can be used.

Initialization Methods

Method Description
CreatePalette Creates a Windows CE color palette and attaches it to the CPalette object.

Operations Methods

Method Description
FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CPalette object when specified a handle to a Windows CE palette object.
GetNearestPaletteIndex Returns the index of the entry in the logical palette that most closely matches a color value.

Attributes Methods

Method Description
GetEntryCount Retrieves the number of palette entries in a logical palette.
GetPaletteEntries Retrieves a range of palette entries in a logical palette.
SetPaletteEntries Sets RGB color values and flags in a range of entries in a logical palette.