CPropertyPage Methods

Construction Methods

Method Description
CPropertyPage Constructs a CPropertyPage object.
Construct Constructs a CPropertyPage object. Use Construct if you want to specify your parameters at run time, or if you are using arrays.

Operations Methods

Method Description
CancelToClose After an unrecoverable change in the page of a modal property sheet, changes the OK button to read Close, and disables the Cancel button.
SetModified Call to activate or deactivate the Apply Now button.
QuerySiblings Forwards the message to each page of the property sheet.

Overridable Methods

Method Description
OnCancel Called by the framework when the Cancel button is clicked.
OnKillActive Called by the framework when the current page is no longer the active page. Perform data validation here.
OnOK Called by the framework when the OK, Apply Now, or Close button is clicked.
OnSetActive Called by the framework when the page is made the active page.
OnApply Called by the framework when the Apply Now button is clicked.
OnReset Called by the framework when the Cancel button is clicked.
OnQueryCancel Called by the framework when the Cancel button is clicked, and before the cancel has taken place.