
This class encapsulates a Windows CE property sheet, otherwise known as a tabbed dialog box. A property sheet consists of a CPropertySheet object and one or more CPropertyPage objects.

At a Glance

Header file: Afxdlgs.h
Platforms: H/PC 2.0, Palm-size PC, H/PC Pro
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later
Complete documentation: Visual C++ documentation


On Windows CE-based platforms, users access property sheets by using an ALT+Tap action.

Because the current version of Windows CE does not support wizards, MFC for Windows CE does not support the SetFinishText, SetWizardButtons, or SetWizardMode methods of the CPropertySheet class.

To set the position of a property sheet window in an application, use the CWnd::SetWindowPos method rather than the CWnd::MoveWindow method. Call CWnd::SetWindowPos in the dialog box procedure of the first property page that comes up when the property sheet is invoked.

Property sheets in Windows CE are always modal.

Windows CE does not support all the members in the PROPSHEETHEADER and PROPSHEETPAGE structures exactly as Windows 95 and Windows NT support them. For more information, see the Creating Controls chapter of the Windows CE SDK Guide.

See Also