CRect Methods

Construction Methods

Method Description
CRect Constructs a CRect object.

Operations Methods

Method Description
Width Calculates the width of CRect.
Height Calculates the height of CRect.
Size Calculates the size of CRect.
TopLeft Returns the top left point of CRect.
BottomRight Returns the bottom right point of CRect.
IsRectEmpty Determines whether CRect is empty. CRect is empty if the width and/or height are 0.
IsRectNull Determines whether the top, bottom, left, and right member variables are all equal to 0.
PtInRect Determines whether the specified point lies within CRect.
SetRect Sets the dimensions of CRect.
SetRectEmpty Sets CRect to an empty rectangle (all coordinates equal to 0).
CopyRect Copies the dimensions of a source rectangle to CRect.
EqualRect Determines whether CRect is equal to the specified rectangle.
InflateRect Increases the width and height of CRect.
DeflateRect Decreases the width and height of CRect.
NormalizeRect Standardizes the height and width of CRect.
OffsetRect Moves CRect by the specified offsets.
SubtractRect Subtracts one rectangle from another.
IntersectRect Sets CRect equal to the intersection of two rectangles.
UnionRect Sets CRect equal to the union of two rectangles.