This class provides the base functionality for all window classes in MFC for Windows CE.
Header file: | Afxwin.h |
Platforms: | H/PC 2.0, Palm-size PC, H/PC Pro |
Windows CE versions: | 1.0 and later |
Complete documentation: | Visual C++ documentation |
Windows CE defines a new window message, called WM_HIBERNATE, that notifies an application when system resources are running low. When an application receives this message, it should attempt to release as many resources as possible. You should handle the WM_HIBERNATE message in your main application window.
If an application's window is not visible, it cannot receive a WM_HIBERNATE message. This is because the WM_HIBERNATE message is only sent to applications that have a button on the taskbar, and an application only has a button on the taskbar if it is visible.
Windows CE defines a new window style, called WS_EX_NODRAG. This style creates a stationary window. Specify this style when you want to prevent a user from dragging a window by its title bar.
MFC for Windows CE supports a data member for the CWnd class that is not supported in Windows-based desktop platforms. The m_hCommandBarMenu member is the menu handle to a window's command bar menu.
MFC for Windows CE supports the following methods of the CWnd class differently than standard MFC does:
MFC for Windows CE does not support the following methods of the CWnd class:
ArrangeIconicWindows | OnMouseActivate |
CancelToolTips | OnMouseWheel |
ChangeClipboardChain | OnMoving |
CreateCaret | OnNcActivate |
CreateGrayCaret | OnNcCalcSize |
DlgDirList | OnNcCreate |
DlgDirListComboBox | OnNcHitTest |
DlgDirSelect | OnNcLButtonDblClk |
DlgDirSelectComboBox | OnNcLButtonDown |
DragAcceptFiles | OnNcLButtonUp |
DrawMenuBar | OnNcMButtonDblClk |
EnableScrollBar | OnNcMButtonDown |
EnableToolTips | OnNcMButtonUp |
FilterToolTipMessage | OnNcMouseMove |
FlashWindow | OnNcPaint |
GetClipboardViewer | OnNcRButtonDblClk |
GetDCEx | OnNcRButtonDown |
GetDSCCursor | OnNcRButtonUp |
GetLastActivePopup | OnPaintClipboard |
GetSystemMenu | OnPaletteIsChanging |
GetWindowContextHelpId | OnParentNotify |
GetWindowPlacement | OnQueryDragIcon |
GetWindowRgn | OnQueryEndSession |
HiliteMenuItem | OnQueryNewPalette |
InvalidateRgn | OnQueryOpen |
IsZoomed | OnRButtonDblClk |
LockWindowUpdate | OnRButtonDown |
OnActivateApp | OnRButtonUp |
OnAskCbFormatName | OnRegisteredMouseWheel |
OnChangeCbChain | OnSetCursor |
OnChildActivate | OnSizeClipboard |
OnCompacting | OnSizing |
OnContextMenu | OnSpoolerStatus |
OnDeviceChange | OnStyleChanging |
OnDevModeChange | OnSysColorChange |
OnDrawClipboard | OnTimeChange |
OnDropFiles | OnToolHitTest |
OnDSCNotify | OnVScrollClipboard |
OnEndSession | OnWindowPosChanging |
OnEnterIdle | SetClipboardViewer |
OnGetMinMaxInfo | SetMenu |
OnHScrollClipboard | SetWindowContextHelpId |
OnIconEraseBkgnd | SetWindowPlacement |
OnInitMenu | SetWindowRgn |
OnMButtonDblClk | ShowOwnedPopups |
OnMButtonDown | ShowScrollBar |
OnMButtonUp | UnockWindowUpdate |
OnMDIActivate | ValidateRgn |
OnMenuSelect |
For more information on window management in Windows CE, see Window Management.
CWnd::m_hCommandBarMenu, CFrameWnd, CView, Window Class Categories