CWordArray Class Members

Construction Methods

Method Description
CWordArray Constructs an empty array for words.

Bounds Methods

Method Description
GetSize Gets number of elements in this array.
GetUpperBound Returns the largest valid index.
SetSize Sets the number of elements to be contained in this array.

Operations Methods

Method Description
FreeExtra Frees all unused memory above the current upper bound.
RemoveAll Removes all the elements from this array.

Element Access Methods

Method Description
GetAt Returns the value at a specified index.
SetAt Sets the value for a specified index; array is not allowed to grow.
ElementAt Returns a temporary reference to the element pointer within the array.
GetData Allows access to elements in the array. Can be NULL.

Growing the Array Methods

Method Description
SetAtGrow Sets the value for a specified index; grows the array if necessary.
Add Adds an element to the end of the array; grows the array if necessary.
Append Appends another array to the array; grows the array if necessary.
Copy Copies another array to the array; grows the array if necessary.

Insertion and Removal Methods

Method Description
InsertAt Inserts an element (or all the elements in another array) at a specified index.
RemoveAt Removes an element at a specific index.


Operator Description
operator [] Sets or gets the element at the specified index.