MFC for Windows CE Programmer’s Guide

The Microsoft Foundation Class library for Windows CE is both a mature, comprehensive class library and a complete object-oriented application framework designed to help you build applications, components, and controls for Windows CE-based platforms. You can use the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) for Windows CE to create anything from a simple dialog box-based application to a sophisticated application that employs the full MFC document/view architecture. You also can use MFC for Windows CE to create full-featured Microsoft® ActiveX® controls and ActiveX containers.

Note Visual Basic ActiveX controls and MFC for Windows CE Active X containers can be used together.

MFC for Windows CE 2.10 is designed to be used with the Microsoft® Windows® CE Toolkit for Visual C++®, version 6.0. The toolkit contains all the development tools and wizards for building MFC for Windows CE applications, such as the MFC application wizards. For information on how to create, test, debug, and run MFC for Windows CE-based applications, see the Programmer’s Guide.

The MFC for Windows CE Programmer’s Guide contains detailed information about MFC for Windows CE classes, global functions, structures, and sample applications. It also explains the differences between MFC for Windows CE and standard MFC. It does not explain the basic philosophy, structure, or mechanics of MFC because that information is contained in the standard MFC documentation that comes with Visual C++.