Control Classes

Most of the control classes are the same in MFC for Windows CE as they are in standard MFC. The MFC for Windows CE implementations of the CButton, CComboBox, CListBox, COleControl, CSpinButtonCtrl, CStatic, and CTabCtrl classes are slightly different from their standard MFC counterparts.

MFC for Windows CE does not support the CAnimateCtrl, CHotKeyCtrl, CChecklistBox, CDragListBox, CRichEditCtrl, and CToolTipCtrl classes because Windows CE does not support the associated types of controls.

For information about the MFC for Windows CE control classes, see the following topics:

CButton COleControl
CBitmapButton CProgressCtrl
CComboBox CScrollBar
CDateTimeCtrl CSliderCtrl
CEdit CSpinButtonCtrl
CHeaderCtrl Cstatic
CListBox CTabCtrl
CListCtrl CTreeCtrl

For information about where the control classes fit into the Windows CE class hierarchy, see Window Class Categories and Classes Derived from CObject.