View Classes

Because Windows CE does not currently support rich edit controls or Data Access Object (DAO) database access, MFC for Windows CE supports all of the standard MFC view classes except for CRichEditView, CDaoRecordView, and CRecordView. MFC for Windows CE does provide a CCeDBRecord class, however.

There are a couple of differences in the CView class, due mostly to the fact that the current version of MFC for Windows CE does not support drag-and-drop features. Because Windows CE only supports the MM_Text mapping mode, the MFC for Windows CE version of the CScrollView class differs from its standard MFC counterpart. There are also a few CEditView methods that MFC for Windows CE does not support.

For more information about the MFC for Windows CE view classes, see the following topics:

For information about where the view classes fit into the Windows CE class hierarchy, see Window Class Categories and Classes Derived from CObject.