File Service Classes

Although MFC for Windows CE supports the main file classes, it implements them somewhat differently than standard MFC does. For example, in the MFC for Windows CE version of CFile, you cannot lock a range of bytes in an open file. Also in MFC for Windows CE, CStdioFile is equivalent to CFile, except that CStdioFile is designed for the Internet.

MFC for Windows CE does not support CSharedFile or any of the classes derived from CMonikerFile. Because MFC for Windows CE does not support Gopher internet service protocols, it does not support CGopherFile. It implements only a subset of standard MFC CInternetFile methods.

For information about the MFC for Windows CE file service classes, see the following topics:

Cfile CRecentFileList
CHttpFile CSocketFile
CInternetFile CStdioFile
CMemFile COleStreamFile

For information about where the file service classes fit into the Windows CE class hierarchy, see Classes Derived from CObject.