
The SendAlternatives method enables an IM to send information to an IME.

At a Glance

Header file: Sip.h
Platforms: Palm-size PC version 1.2
Windows CE Versions: 2.10


HRESULT SendAlternatives (LMDATA* plmd);


A pointer to a LMDATA structure that contains information that is to be sent from the IM to the IME.

Return Values

An appropriate HRESULT value is returned.


An “Alternatives” list is a list of choices provided to the IME for integration into the Candidate List. This candidate list then can be presented to the end-user enable the end-user to make the best choice.

When the alternatives are sent to the SIP, they are packaged up and the SIP sends the structure in a WM_SYSCOPYDATA message to the active control with the WPARAM set to “WMSCD_CHAR_RANKED_ALTS”. If the active control does not handle the message then the message is forwarded to the IME for processing.

The plmd buffer must be allocated using LocalAlloc. When the call is complete this routine use LocalFree to free the buffer.