
This function creates a cookie associated with the specified URL.

At a Glance

Header file: Wininet.h
Windows CE versions: 2.12 and later


BOOL InternetSetCookie (LPCTSTR lpszUrl, LPCTSTR lpszCookieName, LPCTSTR lpszCookieData);



[in] Address of a null-terminated string that specifies the URL for which the cookie should be set.


[in] Address of a string that contains the name to associate with the cookie data. If this parameter is NULL, no name is associated with the cookie.


[in] Address of the actual data to associate with the URL.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.


Cookies created by this function without an expiration date are stored in memory and are available only in the same process that created them. Cookies that include an expiration date are stored in the windows\cookies directory.

Creating a new cookie might cause a dialog box to appear on the screen if the appropriate registry value, AllowCookies, is set. There is no way to change the registry value from a WinInet function in Windows CE.

See Also
