
This function installs a telephony service provider.

At a Glance

Header file: Tapi.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


LONG lineAddProvider( LPCSTR lpszProviderFilename,
HWND hwndOwner, LPDWORD lpdwPermanentProviderID );



A pointer to a NULL-terminated string that contains the path of the service provider to be added.


A handle to a window in which any dialog boxes that need to be displayed as part of the installation process would be attached. Can be NULL to indicate that any window created during the function should have no owner window.


A pointer to a DWORD-sized memory location into which TAPI writes the permanent provider identifier of the newly installed service provider.

Return Values

Returns zero if the request succeeds, or a negative error number if an error occurs. Possible return values are:


In Windows CE, TAPI uses a function pointer table to call the service provider instead of using exported ordinal entry points. In lineAddProvider, TAPI calls the service provider’s exported TSPI_lineGetProcTable function. This is the only function that a service provider need export. Then TAPI calls the service provider’s TSPI_providerInstall, TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion, TSPI_providerInit, and TSPI_providerEnumDevices.

See Also
