
This function lists all entry names in a remote access phone book.

At a Glance

Header file: Ras.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


DWORD RasEnumEntries(LPWSTR Reserved, LPWSTR lpszPhoneBookPath, LPRASENTRYNAME lprasentryname, LPDWORD lpcb, LPDWORD lpcEntries);



Reserved; set to NULL.


Windows CE: This parameter is ignored. Dial-up networking stores phone-book entries in the registry rather than in a phone-book file.


Pointer to a buffer that receives an array of RASENTRYNAME structures, one for each phone-book entry. Before calling the function, an application must set the dwSize member of the first RASENTRYNAME structure in the buffer to sizeof(RASENTRYNAME) in order to identify the version of the structure being passed.


Pointer to a variable that that contains the size, in bytes, of the buffer specified by lprasentryname. On return, the function sets this variable to the number of bytes required to successfully complete the call.


Pointer to a variable that the function, if successful, sets to the number of phone-book entries written to the buffer specified by lprasentryname.

Return Values

Zero indicates success. A nonzero error value listed in the RAS header file, ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, or ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY indicates failure.


The following sample code enumerates the RAS phonebook entries on the current machine. The code initially calls RasEnumEntries to obtain the size of the buffer to pass in. The code then calls RasEnumEntries again, to enumerate the entries. Note that for both calls, the code sets the dwSize member of the first RASENTRY structure in the buffer to sizeof(RASENTRY) to specify the structure version.

lprasentryname = (LPRASENTRYNAME)LocalAlloc(GPTR,, sizeof(RASENTRYNAME));
lprasentryname->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME);
if ((nRet = RasEnumEntries(NULL, NULL, lprasentryname, &cb, &cEntries)) 
    lprasentryname = (LPRASENTRYNAME)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cb);
    lprasentryname->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME);

// Calling RasEnumEntries to enumerate the phonebook entries   
nRet = RasEnumEntries(NULL, NULL, lprasentryname, &cb, &cEntries);

if (nRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    printf("RasEnumEntries failed: Error %d\n", nRet);
    printf("Phone book entries in the default phonebook:\n\n");
    for(i=0;i < cEntries;i++)

See Also

RASENTRYNAME, RasEnumConnections