
The RasHangUp function terminates a remote access connection. The connection is specified with a RAS connection handle. RasHangUp releases all RASAPI32.DLL resources associated with the handle.

At a Glance

Header file: Ras.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


DWORD RasHangUp(HRASCONN Session);



Handle to the remote access connection to terminate. This is a handle returned from a previous call to RasDial or RasEnumConnections.

Return Values

Zero indicates success. A nonzero error value listed in the RAS header file or ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE indicates failure.


The connection is terminated even if the RasDial call has not yet been completed.

After this call, the Session handle can no longer be used.

See Also

RASCONN, RasDial, RasEnumConnections, RasGetConnectStatus, Sleep