This message is sent when the status of an address changes on a line that is currently open by the application. The application can invoke lineGetAddressStatus to determine the current status of the address.

At a Glance

Header file: Tapi.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


dwCallbackInstance = (DWORD) hCallback;
dwParam1 = (DWORD) idAddress; dwParam2 = (DWORD) AddressState;
dwParam3 = (DWORD) 0;



Specifies a handle to the line device.


Specifies the callback instance supplied when opening the line.


Specifies the address identifier of the address that changed status.


Specifies the address state that changed. It can be a combination of the following values:

Value Description
LINEADDRESSSTATE_OTHER Address-status items other than those listed below have changed. The application should check the current address status to determine which items have changed.
LINEADDRESSSTATE_DEVSPECIFIC The device-specific item of the address status has changed.
LINEADDRESSSTATE_INUSEZERO The address has changed to idle (it is now in use by zero stations).
LINEADDRESSSTATE_INUSEONE The address has changed from idle or from being used by many bridged stations to being used by just one station.
LINEADDRESSSTATE_INUSEMANY The monitored or bridged address has changed from being used by one station to being used by more than one station.
LINEADDRESSSTATE_NUMCALLS The number of calls on the address has changed. This is the result of events such as a new inbound call, an outbound call on the address, or a call changing its hold status.
LINEADDRESSSTATE_FORWARD The forwarding status of the address has changed, including the number of rings for determining a no-answer condition. The application should check the address status to determine details about the address’s current forwarding status.
LINEADDRESSSTATE_TERMINALS The terminal settings for the address have changed.



Return Values



The LINE_ADDRESSSTATE message is sent to any application that has opened the line device and that has enabled this message. The sending of this message for the various status items can be controlled and queried using lineGetStatusMessages and lineSetStatusMessages. By default, address status reporting is disabled.