This message is sent when the call information about the specified call has changed. The application can invoke lineGetCallInfo to determine the current call information.

At a Glance

Header file: Tapi.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


LINE_CALLINFO dwDevice = (DWORD) hCall;
dwCallbackInstance = (DWORD) hCallback;
dwParam1 = (DWORD) CallInfoState; dwParam2 = (DWORD) 0;
dwParam3 = (DWORD) 0;



Specifies a handle to the call.


Specifies the callback instance supplied when opening the call’s line.


Specifies the call information item that has changed. It can be a combination of the following values:

Value Description
LINECALLINFOSTATE_OTHER Information items other than those listed below have changed. The application should check the current call information to determine which items have changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_DEVSPECIFIC The device-specific field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_BEARERMODE The bearer mode field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_RATE The rate field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_MEDIAMODE The media mode field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_APPSPECIFIC The application-specific field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_CALLID The call identifier field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_RELATEDCALLID The related call identifier field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_ORIGIN The origin field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_REASON The reason field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_COMPLETIONID The completion identifier field of the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_NUMOWNERINCR The number of owner fields in the call-information record was increased.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_NUMOWNERDECR The number of owner fields in the call-information record was decreased.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_NUMMONITORS The number of monitors fields in the call-information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_TRUNK The trunk field of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_CALLERID One of the caller ID-related fields of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_CALLEDID One of the caller ID-related fields of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_CONNECTEDID One of the connected identifier-related fields of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_REDIRECTIONID One of the redirection identifier-related fields of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_REDIRECTINGID One of the redirecting identifier-related fields of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_DISPLAY The display field of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_USERUSERINFO The user-user information of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_HIGHLEVELCOMP The high-level compatibility field of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_LOWLEVELCOMP The low-level compatibility field of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_CHARGINGINFO The charging information of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_TERMINAL The terminal mode information of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_DIALPARAMS The dial parameters of the call information record has changed.
LINECALLINFOSTATE_MONITORMODES One or more of the digit, tone, or media monitoring fields in the call information record has changed.





Return Values



A LINE_CALLINFO message with a NumOwnersIncr, NumOwnersDecr, and/or NumMonitorsChanged indication is sent to applications that already have a handle for the call. This can be the result of another application changing ownership or monitorship to a call with lineOpen, lineClose, and lineShutdown.

These LINE_CALLINFO messages are not sent when a notification of a new call is provided in a LINE_CALLSTATE message, because the call information already reflects the correct number of owners and monitors at the time the LINE_CALLSTATE messages are sent. LINE_CALLINFO messages are also suppressed in the case where a call is offered by TAPI to monitors through the LINECALLSTATE_UNKNOWN mechanism.

Note   The application that causes a change in the number of owners or monitors (for example, by invoking lineDeallocateCall or lineSetCallPrivilege) does not itself receive a message indicating that the change has been done.

No LINE_CALLINFO messages are sent for a call after the call has entered the idle state. Specifically, changes in the number of owners and monitors are not reported as applications deallocate their handles for the idle call.