
This function opens an enumeration context that enables an application to enumerate all databases in the object store. This function is obsolete. Applications should call CeFindFirstDatabaseEx instead.

A remote application interface (RAPI) version of this function exists, and it is also named CeFindFirstDatabase.

At a Glance

Header file: Winbase.h
Windows CE versions: 1.01 and later


HANDLE CeFindFirstDatabase(DWORD dwDbaseType);



[in] Specifies the type identifier of the databases to enumerate. If this parameter is zero, all databases are enumerated.

Return Values

A handle to an enumeration context indicates success. INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE indicates failure. To get extended error information within a Windows CE program, call GetLastError. GetLastError may return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY if no memory is available to allocate a database handle.


This function returns only the handle to a enumeration context. To begin enumerating databases, an application must call the CeFindNextDatabaseEx function. When an application is done with the handle to the enumeration context, an application uses CloseHandle to release the resources associated with the enumeration context.

See Also

CeFindNextDatabaseEx, CloseHandle