
This function converts a special default locale value to an actual locale identifier.

At a Glance

Header file: Winnls.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


LCID ConvertDefaultLocale(LCID Locale);



[in] Default locale value that the function converts to a locale identifier (LCID). The following list shows the default locale values:

Value Description
LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT The system’s default locale.
LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT The current user’s default locale.
LOCALE_NEUTRAL The language-neutral default locale.
Any sublanguage-neutral locale A locale identifier constructed by calling MAKELCID with a primary language identifier, such as LANG_ENGLISH, and the SUBLANG_NEUTRAL secondary language identifier.

Return Values

The appropriate LCID indicates success. The Locale parameter indicates failure. The function fails when Locale is not one of the default locale values listed above.


A call to ConvertDefaultLocale(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT) is equivalent to a call to GetSystemDefaultLCID. A call to ConvertDefaultLocale(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT) is equivalent to a call to GetUserDefaultLCID.

For more information, see Locale Identifiers.

See Also
