
This function determines whether a compound document object is currently in the running state.

At a Glance

Header file: Ole2.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


BOOL OleIsRunning(LPOLEOBJECT pObject);



[in] Pointer to the IOleObject interface on the object of interest.

Return Value

The return value is TRUE if the object is running; otherwise, it is FALSE.


Passing into this function any invalid and, under some circumstances, NULL pointers will result in unexpected termination of the application.

You can use OleIsRunning and IRunnableObject::IsRunning interchangeably. OleIsRunning queries the object for a pointer to the IRunnableObject interface and calls its IsRunning method. If successful, the function returns the results of the call to IRunnableObject::IsRunning.


The implementation of OleIsRunning in earlier versions of OLE differs from that described here.