
This function sets the options for a spelling session.

At a Glance

Header file: Splapi.h
Windows CE versions: 2.10 and later


int SplOptionSet ( HSPL hspl, DWORD dw );



Handle to the spelling session. An application initiates a spelling session by calling the SplInit function, which then generates this handle.


Specifies options for the spelling session. It a bit flag that is any combination of the following values:

Value Description
SPL_FIND_INITIAL_NUMERALS Spelling checker finds words that begin with numerals.
SPL_FIND_REPEAT_WORD Spelling checker finds double words, for example, “the the.”
SPL_IGNORE_ALL_CAPS Spelling checker ignores words that consist of all capital letters.
SPL_IGNORE_INITIAL_CAP Spelling checker ignores all initial capitalization errors.
SPL_IGNORE_MIXED_DIGITS Spelling checker ignores words containing both digits and letters.
SPL_IGNORE_ROMAN_NUMERALS Spelling checker ignores Roman numerals.
SPL_IGNORE_SINGLE_LETTER Spelling checker ignores any single-letter words.
SPL_SCORE_SUGGESTIONS Spelling checker scores the suggestions it provides and stores the value in the nScore member of SPLSUGGEST If this option is not set, the nScore member of the SPLSUGGEST structure is empty.
SPL_SINGLE_STEP_SUGGEST Spelling checker suggests only the most likely spelling for a word.
SPL_SUGGEST_FROM_USER_DICT Spelling checker suggests words from the internal and external user dictionaries before suggesting words from the main dictionary.

Return Values

1 indicates success. 0 indicates failure.


Not all options are available on a particular spelling checker. Calling SplOptionGet returns the options that are enabled.

Use the OR operator to set multiple options with one call.

Turning on SPL_SCORE_SUGGESTIONS stores a value in the nScore member of SPLSUGGEST for each spelling suggestion that the spelling checker returns. The spelling checker bases the value on how severe the mistake is and indicates how likely it is that the suggestion is correct. The greater the value of the score, the less likely it is that the suggestion is correct. To keep such unlikely suggestions from being written to the SPLBUFFER structure, use the SplLimitSet function. To get suggestions and scores from the spelling checker, call the SplSuggest function.

See Also

SPLBUFFER, SplOptionGet, SPLSUGGEST, SplInit, SplLimitSet