
This method is called by a file filter to report the progress of a file conversion.

At a Glance

Header file: Replfilt.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


STDMETHODIMP ICeFileFilterSite::ReportProgress( UINT nPercent );



Specifies the completed percentage of the operation. For example, if the file filter has converted 25 percent of a file, this parameter should be set to 25.

Return Values



Windows CE Services displays a progress bar that indicates the progress of a file conversion, and uses the percentage provided by the filter to set the current position of the progress bar. The filter should periodically call ReportProgress as the conversion progresses.

Consider that updating the progress bar takes a certain amount of time. Therefore, you may want to limit the frequency at which the application calls the ReportProgress method, since calling this method too often can add substantially the actual file copy and conversion time.